Dr Nadejda Roubtsova

"Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many - they are few"

Percy Bysshe Shelley

CV Research Publications Teaching


July, 2024

CVMP 2024

It is this time of the year again and the paper submissions call for the 21th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2024) is live. The range of vision topics accepted at the conference is extremely broad from raw acquisition to visual effects, catering to the interests of both academics and industry practioners. I am delighted as ever to serve on the Programme Committee of the conference. I hope you consider submitting to this young researcher friendly local annual event!


August, 2023

CVMP 2023

I am pleased to serve on the Programme Committee of the 20th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2023) this year once again. The conference has always been an excellent local event bringing together academics and industry practioners in the field of computer vision and graphics, with many interesting talks and impressive demos of cutting-edge media production. The conference is also a friendly and accessible venue for postgraduates just starting out in research.


January, 2023

Long-overdue updates ...

I am delighted about the publication of a past project's interdisciplinary journal paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)! The paper reports exciting experimental psychology research findings on individual differences in emotion recognition. To conduct human participant studies, our project partners at QMUL used our EmoGen facial modelling tool, which employs genetic algorithms to enable a non-expert user to evolve custom target expressions. The details of the tool's operating principles can be found in this technical report. I am pleased that the developed tool and the associated methods for facial expression quantification and similarity assessment have been shown fit for purpose in experimental psychology research.

Another good news is that I have now obtained my Fellowship of Higher Education Academy (FHEA), a form of accreditation for Lecturers and other teaching staff in Higher Education in the UK. The fellowship is awarded for conscious engagement with different aspects of teaching and requires commitment to professional values and standards. Personally, I find both theoretical pedagogy and its translation to application in practical situations fascinating to explore.

February, 2022

Supervision of MSc Dissertations (University of Bath)

This year I am offering to supervise a project on reflectance modelling. Prior research related to the project is illustrated here. Also relevant is the work on reflectance-independent geometry acquisition (including datasets).

December, 2021

Happy holidays!

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a fantastic new year! The best is always yet to come.

October, 2021

New role: Lecturer in AI

I am now Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence at the Department of Computer Science, University of Bath.

September, 2021

Looking for opportunities ..

I am currently looking for new long-term opportunities to apply my knowledge and experience in academic research, teaching in Higher Education and/or scientific publishing. My areas of expertise include 3D reconstruction and modelling of dynamic scenes, graphics, image content analysis (low-level vision), Bayesian machine learning and artificial intelligence (machine vision). Some of my prior research work is outlined below with further details under Projects and Publications tabs.

August, 2021

Reviewing for CVMP 2021

As in the previous years, I am delighted to serve on the Programme Committee of the 18th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2021).


Research overview
(selected projects)

EmoGen Tool for Facial Synthesis

Scalable Performance-Driven Facial Animation

Decoupled Shape and Reflectance Acquisition

Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes with Complex Reflectance Properties

About Me


Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence

Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Experienced post-doctoral researcher

PhD in 3D computer vision

BSc and MSc in Electrical Engineering

Current affiliation

Department of Computer Science

Historical affiliations


Contact Me
